BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Â鶹ӳ»­´«Ã½, Event Calendar//EN BEGIN:VEVENT STATUS:CONFIRMED BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT60M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reminder END:VALARM TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Â鶹ӳ»­´«Ã½ Campus Robert Plaster Terrace (RP200) DESCRIPTION:Fridays at 9:00 and 10:30 - Learn more about the event here: ht tps:// X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The Concordia Speech\, Language &\; Hear ing Clinic is offering a Voice/Resonance Clinic for Instructors\, coaches\ , music majors or choir/theatre members\, offering voice evaluations and t herapy sessions. If you use your voice for your profession\, consider sign ing up for our fall or spring clinics.


Registration is required for this FREE clinic. To register\, click to download the event flyer.

For more in formation\, visit

NOTE: Clinic Sessions are limi ted\, but you may be placed on a waiting list for Spring clinic.

Click here to learn more about the event.

DTSTART:20241018T140000Z DTEND:20241018T140000Z SUMMARY:Voice/Resonance Clinic URL;VALUE=URI:/events/details.php?id=61822 CATEGORIES:Fine Arts DTSTAMP:20241022T202933Z UID:6718517d06edc END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR