
Earn an online PhD in leadership

Embark on a transformative doctoral program for adult learners in any industry looking to elevate their leadership impact. Through a rigorous emphasis on research, you will acquire the expertise needed to introduce groundbreaking approaches and strategies for an organization and its workforce. Dedicate yourself to three years of intensive learning and research to emerge as an indispensable leader in your field.

Cost Per Credit$925
Next PhD Cohort

Submit an application by November 15 for the January 2025 cohort.


Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) in May 2024.

Program Overview

Mission statement

The LICI PhD program is inspired by a Christian worldview, stewardship, and service. The mission of this program is to prepare scholarly leaders who will bring positive and impactful change in their vocations.

Program highlights

This is a doctoral experience that allows life-long learners to hold a full-time job and successfully progress through this educational journey. It is a PhD that centers on building your expertise in three core areas:

  1. Leadership
  2. Research
  3. Improvement Science and Innovation
Key details
  • Interdisciplinary focus that will benefit individuals serving in education, business, healthcare, non-profit, and other fields.
  • The main format of our courses is asynchronous online learning, allowing you to access lessons at your convenience over an 8-week timeframe. While this flexible format gives you control over your schedule, it's important to note that assignments still have set deadlines to keep you on track towards your goals.
  • Colloquium courses are built for scholarly discussions and analyzing research with faculty and your doctoral peers. Colloquiums have periodic Zoom sessions that take place at a scheduled time during a 16-week session. Here are the required courses
    • The Christian Leader Journey Colloquium
    • 360 Thinking and Analysis Colloquium: Thinking Critically about Research
    • Education and Learning Colloquium
    • Psychology and Human Behavior Colloquium
  • Dissertation process is broken down into separate and manageable components that you will work on one at a time for course credit starting in your first semester
  • Establish connections in the community through presentations and other professional engagements
  • Individualized journey with support from an assigned research advisor, Ph.D. faculty, and your academic advisor 
  • Inspires and empowers students to draw strength from their faith, fueling their passion to create a meaningful influence in both the global community and within the church.

Concordia University offers another doctoral degree if the research-intensive PhD doesn't fit your needs and goals. Discover how the EdD for the LICI program is different and if it is the right fit for you.

Download program brochure (PDF 1.69 Mbs)

What to Expect
  • 60-credit requirement
  • 3-year program
  • Cohort model - You start with a specific group of doctoral students and progress through the program with these peers for improved learning and greater collaboration.
  • A majority of the course time is online and asynchronous. There will be periodic synchronous sessions via Zoom during the colloquium courses.
  • Assigned a research advisor (dissertation chair) within the first semester
  • Complete a dissertation including your public defense to a committee
  • Submit a manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal
  • Submit scholarly material to a conference or do a face-to-face presentation in a professional group setting
  • Attend a conference and/or participate in dissertation defenses for other PhD students
  • Attend two required in-person residences. Each residency is 3-4 days in length.
    • 1st residency takes place as you begin the doctoral program
    • 2nd residency occurs sometime after you have completed your first year

Letter from the LICI Director

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