
Sharing His story

As Christians, we are called to be fishers of men, spreading the good news of Jesus to all people of all nations. Learn effective methods for sharing God's word and defending the faith with Concordia's practical theology certificate.


Explore areas outside of your major with a certificate


You may also like our Undergraduate Exegetical Theology Certificate.

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Program Overview

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20).

Here, God commands us to share the good news of Jesus throughout the world. The practical theology certificate aims to equip you with the tools you need to do just that. You'll learn effective methods for communicating Bible messages, both with those you encounter in your everyday life, as well as with people around the world from different cultures and backgrounds.

Through completion of this certificate, students will:

  1. Observe, assess, and interpret today’s cultures and world views
  2. Be familiar with various methods of delivering and defending biblical truth in a relevant and practical way to diverse groups
  3. Grow in their relationship with Christ and will put his teachings into practice in their vocations
  4. Apply biblical knowledge and principles to real life situations, using the theology of evangelism while developing strategies for effective witnessing as they go
    about their lives interacting with others
  5. Be encouraged to consider if they have been called to a position to serve formally as a Christian church worker and demonstrate ways in which to support current church workers
  6. Become a competent defender of the Christian faith against the objections leveled by rival worldviews

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