
The Good Samaritan Team (GST) is an interdisciplinary behavioral intervention team that identifies and ministers to students deemed to be at risk to themselves or others socially, mentally, physically, and/or spiritually.

Make a referral

To make a referral to the Good Samaritan Team, please speak with any member of the team:

Joseph Niswonger x4331
Dean of Students

Dave Enters x4211
Director, Counseling Services

Elizabeth Polzin x4210
Interim Vice President of Student Success

Steve Smith x4389
Campus Pastor

Mike Stolte x2088
Director, Campus Safety

Renee Gosselin x4574
Nurse Manager of Student Health

Jan Chapman x4299
Director, Academic Resource Center

What kind of assistance does the GST offer students?

The chair of the GST relays the circumstances of the referral. Other members of the GST contribute their knowledge about, or interactions with, the student. The GST members assess the student’s situation from a broad range of perspectives and create a plan of care for the student. The plan of care is an individualized arrangement that involves connecting the student with resources on- and/or off-campus. The student is typically monitored until a pattern of wellness is established.

Will my referral remain anonymous?

Your name will not be revealed to the student. However, the student will be informed of the specific observations that were described to GST. Depending on the circumstances of these observations, the student may or not be able to discern who made the referral.